
Mixed development

Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre
DNRC - Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre


Management Contract


Drawings taken from RIBA stages 3-5



The existing defence and national rehabilitation centre had been formed at Headly Court in Surrey after the Second War. The late Duke of Westminster working at that time as the senior reservist in Defence as a Major General had the idea of having a state-of-the-art facility for the 21st century.

The Stanford Estate near Loughborough was purchased by the 6th Duke of Westminster which now forms The Stanford Hall Rehabilitation Estate.

I joined at the end of this mammoth project to help lead the interior design packages for the band new facilities being built around the existing main estate buildings and the main house which is Grade II listed. The interior design packages included: clinical offices, dining rooms, offices salons, clinical rooms, hospital rooms, receptions, washrooms, toilets, medical rooms including x-ray facilities.

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